Summertime is the perfect time to take advantage of your pool. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to do so when your pool fills with algae.
The methods of getting rid of pool algae can vary depending on the type of pool algae you have. Here are the different types of pool algae and how they can infiltrate your pool:
Green Algae
The type of algae that most pool owners find in their pool is green algae. Green algae – also known as Chlorophyta – floats in the water and leaves your pool water with a greenish tint. This algae also sticks to the walls and floor of your pool, creating a slimy residue that feels disgusting as it squishes between toes.
How does Green Algae get into my Pool?
Green algae is common in lakes and ponds, which can be a popular swimming spot for many families who enjoy the outdoors. If your family has been swimming in a nearby lake or pond it is highly possible that the particles stuck to bathing suits or any pool tools being used. If these items were not washed before they were reintroduced to your pool, the particles most likely grew and now have infested your pool. However, green algae growth can also be the result of poor filtration or unbalanced pool chemicals.
Yellow Algae
Yellow algae is known for its pollen or sand-like appearance. It usually collects in shady corners of your pool, as yellow algae tends to avoid direct sunlight. Also known as brown or mustard algae, yellow algae is pretty rare and not slimy like green algae is. This algae is chlorine-resistant, which makes it particularly hard to treat. It takes an aggressive shock treatment to rid your pool of yellow algae.
How does Yellow Algae get into my Pool?
Yellow algae is uncommon because you have to live fairly close to a river, lake, or pond to even have the possibility of getting it. This type of algae doesn’t stick to clothing as well as green algae does, so transporting particles on a bathing suit or pool toy is highly uncommon. It is extremely easy for the wind to pick up, however, so it can get blown into your pool from your yard.
Black Algae
Black algae is technically not an algae, but the treatment method for it is similar to the method for treating algae. What makes black algae particularly challenging is that it makes its own food, so it grows continuously. In order to completely kill it, you will have to ensure that you remove its roots which dig into concrete surfaces. An aggressive shock treatment is required in order to completely kill the algae before it grows back.
How does Black Algae get into my Pool?
Black algae is most commonly found in coastal areas, as the particles grow in the ocean. If your family has been to the beach, and you return home and later gets into the pool, it is possible to transfer the particles. Make sure you always wash any bathing suits or pool toys that may have come into contact with ocean water before getting into your pool.
Pink Algae/Pink Slime
Pink algae is more of an aggressive bacteria that grows inside of PVC pipes than an algae, but it made it onto this list because of its algae-like characteristics. Pink algae is not harmful to humans, which makes it possible to swim with the bacteria around. It can, however, damage your pool by clogging up the filtration pipes and causing them to burst due to trapped pressure.
How does Pink Algae get into my Pool?
Pink algae forms when the water pH levels are unbalanced. Pink algae is a lover of dark places with a slow current, which is why they prefer to stick to the PVC pipes. If you have pink algae, an aggressive chlorine treatment should be able to get rid of it.
If your pool has been infiltrated by pesky algae, you need to start treatment immediately to ensure that the problem doesn’t worsen. If you are unsure where to start or want a professional service to get it done right, call the experts at Summerhill Pools, Inc. We have been winning the war against algae for years and know the best techniques to rid your pool of it. We also offer pool cleaning and maintenance services to help ensure that algae stays away, allowing you to enjoy your pool all summer long without any hassle.