You’ve enjoyed swimming all summer, but now winter is here, so it’s time to winterize your pool to take care of the plumbing and avoid damage. Cleaning your pool’s plumbing during winter can be time-consuming and complicated. But if you don’t put effort into maintaining it, your pool will start to deteriorate. Here are some tips for keeping your plumbing in tip-top condition when the colder weather starts to set in.
1. Clean Out Your Pipes
You must clean out the pipes that lead from the pump to the pool. Doing so helps prevent clogs and ensures that no tiny pieces of debris remain behind the pump, which can clog it up when the water pressure drops during winter.
If you need a hand in doing this maintenance, call Summerhill Pools for help with cleaning out your pipes. We will inspect your plumbing lines, make any necessary repairs, and then clean them out as needed.
2. Clean the Pool
Keeping your pool clean is an integral part of maintenance, especially because one of the most common pool issues is a clogged drain, which causes problems such as poor water circulation and quality.
If you have ever had a pool technician clean your pool, you know that they often have to snake their way through the plumbing system to get to the clog. It can be time-consuming and dangerous if not done by a trained hand.
3. Clean Out Pumps
Because every pump is different, read the manufacturer’s instructions before cleaning the pump. You should also remove all the plugs from your pump, filter, heater, and chlorinator.
To clean the pumps, switch them off and detach them from the power supply. Then, take a bucket or container, fill it with warm water, and submerge your pump for some time. This will help remove any accumulated debris clogging up your pump.
4. Drain Water To The Right Level
Many new pool owners think they need to completely drain their pool to protect it during the colder months, but this is not the case. You should drain some of the pool water, traditionally to right below the skimmer level, and leave the rest inside.
Leaving water inside of your pool protects the pool lining by ensuring that it won’t dry out. When the pool lining is allowed to completely dry, it can expand and stretch, leading to deep cracks. When you go to reopen your pool and fill it back with water, it will seep into these cracks, damaging the pool’s foundation.
As mentioned earlier, to best protect your pool’s lining, drain the water to just below the skimmer and add in winterizing chemicals to prevent it from freezing and growing algae.
5. Add Winterizing Chemicals
Colder temperatures and less sunlight mean algae growth will be more prevalent in the winter—meaning more work for you.
Algae is a common problem in swimming pools. Algae levels are often kept low during the warmer months of summer with light chlorination or weekly cleaning as needed. However, when temperatures drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius), algae starts to grow again at an alarming rate.
Adding winterizing chemicals to your pool is vital for keeping it safe and healthy during winter. The first step in applying winterizing chemicals to your pool is to test the water so you can make an informed judgment about what your pool requires to survive the winter. To achieve the best results, ensure you attentively follow the directions on the testing kit.
6. Run Your Pool Pump Continuously When the Temperatures Reach Below Freezing
Run your pool pump continually when the temperature is close to or below freezing. The water in your pool will freeze if you stop running the pump for an extended period. The continuous current of the water will help prevent freezing both inside of the pool and in your pipes.
7. Use A Pool Cover
Pool covers come in a variety of styles, such as
- Solid covers
- Mesh covers
- Winter covers
- Hybrid covers
Using a pool cover is the best way to keep your pool warm during the coldest parts of the month. Pool covers insulate your pool, keeping heat generated by your pool heater inside and the cold air out.
A pool over will also protect your pool from collecting debris during the winter months. Less debris keeps the water chemicals even, prevents algae growth, and ensures that your pool pump doesn’t clog.
Work With Pool Plumbing Experts
Your pool’s plumbing is essential to keeping it working, so make sure you take every precaution to protect it during the winter. The team at Summerhill Pools is proud to support the residential pool owners in Dallas, Texas by providing excellent pool maintenance and other services. From brand new pool builds that will wow you and your guests to winterization services to keep that pool protected when not in use, our team can handle it all. Contact us today for more information on our pool services or to schedule an appointment.